Monday, March 8, 2010

Making a book illustration in Illustrator

In the following toutorial I am going to show you how to make this book.

1. The first thing you want to do is find 2 pictures you want to use and save them on your computer. Since the pages of the book are horizontal, it will look better if the pictures you choose are horizontal as well.

2. Make a rectangle with the following dimensions and fill with light-grey.

3. Select your rectangle and go to object>envelope distort>make with warp and select 'flag' from the drop down menu and insert the following settings. Now select your object and go to object>expand.

4. . Duplicate the page, reflect it and pair it with your left page. You should now have a right and left side to your book.

5. Important: make a duplicate copy of you book and set it to the side. You will use this later.

6. Delete the right side of your book and, using the pen tool, draw a shape similar to this one to form the last page of your book. Send it to the back and fill with a darker grey.

7. Double-click the blend tool, select 'specified steps' from the drop down menu and entre 5 steps.

8. Select the front and back left page together and go to object>blend>make. Now duplicate it, reflect it and position it next to the left side.

9. Select both halves and go to object>expand and remove stroke.

10. Selct both halves and go to effect>stylize>drop shadow.

11. Now we are going to use the two shapes we set aside earlier. Go to file>place, locate your two images and place them anywhere on the page.

12. Select each image and rasterize it by going to object>rasterize.

13. Select the left page and bring it to front by going to object>arrange>bring to front. Now, select the picture you wish to have on thd left together with the left page (this can be done by pressing shift while clicking each object). Next go to object>envelope distort>make with top object.

14. Drag distorted image to left page of book, reduce image slightly to form a border around picture and positionin center of page.

15. Repeat steps 13 and 14 for right hand page.

16. Select all and tilt slightly to the left.

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