Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What a day!

In this here post I mentioned that we were going to be re-filming the second studio scene as both participants in that scene were not very confident with their lines.

Anyway, disaster struck this morning. We had everything set up, the lights, the camera and all we were waiting for was for the action. Problem was the gentleman we are using for the Chief Detective is a man called Steve who happens to be the boss of the campus. Since he is the boss he has many things to do (one of them not being acting) and is always busy so was not available for filming this morning.

On top of this the maintenance department decided to choose this morning to get in our way and install our new £3,000 hp z3200 printer.

So all in all, this morning hadn't been overly productive.

The final blow of today was my teacher announcing that this assignment must be handed in Wed, 19th May (2 weeks!) Yikes! We are so far behind!

That was all before lunch.

After lunch we had some great success. All the participants knew their dialogue but this time the problem was that they had the giggles! So after about 10 takes we were finally successful! We also managed to film some cut-away footage as well as some random corridor shots.

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